Monday, May 19, 2014

The 30 Day Squat Challenge

tomorrow (noun)
A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.

Sooo... today is a Monday, the one and only day of the week when women can start diets and challenges.
As I previously mentioned in a post, my body is far from what it should be and it's mainly because I love food, I mean I LOOOOVE food! *
I need to lose 12 kg-s as of right now, that's 26.5 pounds : (
Today I promised myself again that I will start running regularly, looked at funny running tanks, motivating running quotes and some amazing looking bodies of women who may or may not run.

And yes, I did go for a run! Well, OK, it was rather a jog and some walking too but hey, I did it! My beginner running goal is 5 km-s and I will try to go at least 4 times this week. Addition to this I added this "fun" challenge to help my bum and tights to shape up for summer, it's the dreaded "30 Day Squat Challenge".
I already tried it once but gave up on like day 3 because I nearly died doing 50 squats and couldn't imagine doing even more the next day... 

Well I just read it today that you have to do them in 1 day but not at once! Makes so much more sense now : )
So the challenge shall begin tonight! I downloaded an app for it to follow my progress, I am just trying to add some fun to it. I will also take some before pictures so i can compare them at the end (if I ever reach the end that is)

*And I hate exercising and I'm getting older too... Did i mention I love food?

Have you tried the 30 Day Squat Challenge? Did it work for you? Comment below!

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